Monday, January 4, 2010

See Food Diet...First Party of 2010

 We are now four days into January 2010 and I dont want to see food for at least the rest of the month.   Christmas finally arrived in full swing on the 24th of December, just as I had predicted.    Our tree was a fabulous price especially purchasing it days before the big day.  I wanted to find a 9 footer, however settled for what I thought to be 8'.  By the time it arrived at the house still in the stretchy net bag, I carefully set it up just to the side of our front entrance.  Forgetting that our eave troughts were removed for the new roof construction, the roof dripped icy water on our tree coating it with lovely three inch icicles.  It was very pretty, if only we could keep these 'alive' for the duration of the holidays.  So hubby dragged it through the root cellar door and there it sat to defrost before bringing it into the dining room.

The 12 dozen cookies, six boxes of Ferraros, four boxes of marshmallow santas and snowman, candycanes, truffles, and 48 Kinder eggs and much  more landed on the dining room table.  It was 4pm on the 24th when our guests started to arrive and started  the dressing of the tree.  There wasnt enough tree for our goodies.  It was the oddest shaped tree with branches missing and the bottom was hacked off in the strangest configuration.  But it was our Christmas tree and all 6' feet of it was dripping with "sugarry treats".

We had a marvelous feast the same as everyone else would have and too much to drink.  It was the perfect party.  Christmas day came quietly with a simple breakfast.  It was a long quiet day, just as we wanted.  Son number one and wife left for the inlaws and then on to India for their three week honeymoon.

I was glad there wasnt that much food left and we had simple meals for the rest of the week.  Even new years eve can with quietness.  We had the usual munchies and left overs. 

The party was on the 2nd.  It was a birthday party for the twins, hubby, as well as celebration for the new year.  This is the party that we eat like bears getting ready to hybernate for the rest of the winter.  Im sure everyone of us could find a cave and sleep for the next six weeks. 

Im embarrased to tell the menu of shrimp, crab puffs, artichoke hearts, antipasta and crackers, king crab, lobster, double baked cheese potatoes and cake, cookies, tree goodies, profiteroles etc.  There was enough food for thirty people and there were only 8 of us.  Im pleased to say that we didnt eat the birthday cake...and pleased to say that we will not need to eat for the next four weeks.

The pictures are self explanatory....many empty plates!


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