Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Baby It's Cold Outside

Well it looks like winter has finally arrived.  I didnt realize until today just how cold it is. 

About six weeks ago, I told hubby I was on "laundry" strike.  I was not going to walk up and down stairs from the carriage house to the main house or in and out through the kitchen through snow to get to my washing machine in the other side of the house.  He promised to start my laundry room and that in a matter of weeks (or months) I would have my laundry/sewing/craft room.

Hubby said he had rehooked up the laundry tub as this would make it easier for me to have a convenient sink to continue to clean paint brushes, cleaning cloths and the likes.  This was my first clue that the laundry applicances would  not be sitting side by side for a while.  There was definitely going to be delays, as I had already predicted even before the tub was reinstalled.

We have part of our summer dining room floor being relocated to the laundry room.  It is still usable hardwood and would make for a nicer floor for working on.  I am anxious to see what the 160 year old floor looks like underneath too.  So far "it aint to pretty" but nothing in this house had that look of 'lota potential' when the project started. 

So by know we all know that laundry is still an ongoing career in this household.  Even though I have picked out my choice of applicances...the Kenmore 5 cu.ft capacity washer and matching dryer.  SIL was with me when we...I druelled over the dryer, practically juming inside to check out the interior space.  It will hold up to 28 towel...wooohooo!  The washer is big enough to double as a hot tub.  Speaking of which is my story for today.

As I was on my daily routine to do laundry, I remembered that I have guests in The Carriage House for the next three days.  This means that I have to do the outside run between territories in order to take washed laundry to the dryer in the main manor. I have not ventured outside over the past six weeks, at least not while the roof was being installed...and it was much to cold to take wet laundry out into such frigid temperatures. 

Today would be the first time and as always, on my trek through the snow, I stop and check the chemicals in the hot tub and make sure all is operating correctly.  To my horror, the tub was not running....not hot...not even cold, but frozen over and ready for ice fishing.  Did the roofers use my electrical power for their equipment...or how about the carpenter who caused leaking from the master bedroom window because of facia board missing through the rain storm.  Or was it just too damned cold and the artic winds passing by the river beating  against the side of the plastic tub.
Nevertheless, who ever or what ever I could blame was not going to change the fact that my precious tub was frozen solid and I had to do something to save it from it's death and possibly mine.

Hubby and I never did see eye to eye on the benefits of owning a hot tub.  He would never think to use one and I thought that it would be a great bonus for the guests that choice to pick their B&B destination because of the extra features.  Without hubby's approval, I went out and purchased a cute and practical tub that would seat four but easy to move if needed.  It takes little water and I can change it frequently, especially because it would be used by travelling guests. 

I called service to see what could be done.  I have to break the ice and empty the hub.  This was not as difficult as it sounds, although I was a bit nervous that it would be dangerously cold on my hands.  With quick thinking, I put on my "magic gloves" and rubber gloves overtop.  Took my bucket and shamwhow and off to empty the tub.  It only took two minutes!  Clean!  The service rep arrived on time and we both examined the situation.  We would have the tub removed to the service centre and they would thaw out the tub.  But I came up with a second plan to move it inside...and save money too.  I grabbed the tape measure and low and behold....plan B.

When Hubby finds out that we are going to move the tub through our kitchen doorway and set it on it's side to 'thaw' on the construction site, I will surely be dead by sundown!

There must be a positive side to this story...with it in the summer dining room, I can convert it into a whirlpool clothes washer closer to the dryer!


1 comment:

  1. We dragged the hot tub into the house (yes we actually had floor space in the 'kitchen' and it fit through the door. It thawed out and then delivered back to the spa doctor who serviced it. No broken pipes :) and all is well. It is now at the Riverlane Suite.
